Color Categories
Top >> Scenes (Holidays)

Color Palette / Color Scheme
Christmas 2

Colors Contained

Change the color combination using the button below.

Basic Color Palette

#BF0A2B 191, 10, 43
#8C0821 140, 8, 33
#590515 89, 5, 21


Left: #BF0A2B
Center: #8C0821
Right: #590515
Related Colors: Scenes (Holidays)
Color Palettes: Categories

Color Combination Sample

For more samples of the color combination, see below and click on the "Switch" button to change the combination pattern.

Horizontal Combination (Christmas 2)

Related Colors: Scenes (Holidays)
Color Palettes: Categories

Vertical Combination (Christmas 2)

Related Colors: Scenes (Holidays)
Color Palettes: Categories

Horizontal/Vertical Combination (Christmas 2)

Related Colors: Scenes (Holidays)
Color Palettes: Categories

Heading (Christmas 2)

Colors of Christmas 2
Text: #BF0A2B
Background: #8C0821
Border-bottom: #590515
Colors of Christmas 2
Text: #BF0A2B
Background: #590515
Border-bottom: #8C0821
Colors of Christmas 2
Text: #8C0821
Background: #BF0A2B
Border-bottom: #590515
Colors of Christmas 2
Text: #8C0821
Background: #590515
Border-bottom: #BF0A2B
Colors of Christmas 2
Text: #590515
Background: #BF0A2B
Border-bottom: #8C0821
Colors of Christmas 2
Text: #590515
Background: #8C0821
Border-bottom: #BF0A2B
Related Colors: Scenes (Holidays)
Color Palettes: Categories

Spots against a Background (Christmas 2)

Background: #BF0A2B
Upper-right circle: #8C0821
Lower-left circle: #590515
Background: #BF0A2B
Upper-right circle: #590515
Lower-left circle: #8C0821
Background: #8C0821
Upper-right circle: #BF0A2B
Lower-left circle: #590515
Background: #8C0821
Upper-right circle: #590515
Lower-left circle: #BF0A2B
Background: #590515
Upper-right circle: #BF0A2B
Lower-left circle: #8C0821
Background: #590515
Upper-right circle: #8C0821
Lower-left circle: #BF0A2B
Related Colors: Scenes (Holidays)
Color Palettes: Categories

Three Circles (Christmas 2)

Related Colors: Scenes (Holidays)
Color Palettes: Categories

What Does This Cake Taste Like?

Topping/Fillings: #BF0A2B
Cream: #8C0821
Sponge: #590515
Topping/Fillings: #BF0A2B
Cream: #590515
Sponge: #8C0821
Topping/Fillings: #8C0821
Cream: #BF0A2B
Sponge: #590515
Topping/Fillings: #8C0821
Cream: #590515
Sponge: #BF0A2B
Topping/Fillings: #590515
Cream: #BF0A2B
Sponge: #8C0821
Topping/Fillings: #590515
Cream: #8C0821
Sponge: #BF0A2B
Related Colors: Scenes (Holidays)
Color Palettes: Categories

Owl (Christmas 2)

Head/Wing/Spots: #BF0A2B
Beak/Legs: #8C0821
Body: #590515
Head/Wing/Spots: #BF0A2B
Beak/Legs: #590515
Body: #8C0821
Head/Wing/Spots: #8C0821
Beak/Legs: #BF0A2B
Body: #590515
Head/Wing/Spots: #8C0821
Beak/Legs: #590515
Body: #BF0A2B
Head/Wing/Spots: #590515
Beak/Legs: #BF0A2B
Body: #8C0821
Head/Wing/Spots: #590515
Beak/Legs: #8C0821
Body: #BF0A2B
Related Colors: Scenes (Holidays)
Color Palettes: Categories

Dress Up The Girl

Vest: #BF0A2B
Shirt/Boots: #8C0821
Skirt: #590515
Vest: #BF0A2B
Shirt/Boots: #590515
Skirt: #8C0821
Vest: #8C0821
Shirt/Boots: #BF0A2B
Skirt: #590515
Vest: #8C0821
Shirt/Boots: #590515
Skirt: #BF0A2B
Vest: #590515
Shirt/Boots: #BF0A2B
Skirt: #8C0821
Vest: #590515
Shirt/Boots: #8C0821
Skirt: #BF0A2B
Related Colors: Scenes (Holidays)
Color Palettes: Categories

Cool? Fashionable? Immaculate??

Jacket/Shoes: #BF0A2B
Shirt: #8C0821
Pants: #590515
Jacket/Shoes: #BF0A2B
Shirt: #590515
Pants: #8C0821
Jacket/Shoes: #8C0821
Shirt: #BF0A2B
Pants: #590515
Jacket/Shoes: #8C0821
Shirt: #590515
Pants: #BF0A2B
Jacket/Shoes: #590515
Shirt: #BF0A2B
Pants: #8C0821
Jacket/Shoes: #590515
Shirt: #8C0821
Pants: #BF0A2B
Related Colors: Scenes (Holidays)
Color Palettes: Categories

Keep Your Eyes on Me!!

Background: #BF0A2B
Screen: #8C0821
Cat: #590515
Background: #BF0A2B
Screen: #590515
Cat: #8C0821
Background: #8C0821
Screen: #BF0A2B
Cat: #590515
Background: #8C0821
Screen: #590515
Cat: #BF0A2B
Background: #590515
Screen: #BF0A2B
Cat: #8C0821
Background: #590515
Screen: #8C0821
Cat: #BF0A2B
Related Colors: Scenes (Holidays)
Color Palettes: Categories

Leave Me Alone...

Background: #BF0A2B
Cat: #8C0821
AC Condenser: #590515
Background: #BF0A2B
Cat: #590515
AC Condenser: #8C0821
Background: #8C0821
Cat: #BF0A2B
AC Condenser: #590515
Background: #8C0821
Cat: #590515
AC Condenser: #BF0A2B
Background: #590515
Cat: #BF0A2B
AC Condenser: #8C0821
Background: #590515
Cat: #8C0821
AC Condenser: #BF0A2B
Related Colors: Scenes (Holidays)
Color Palettes: Categories
Share and Have Fun with Your Friends!!
  • Actual colors displayed may differ depending on the display device you use.
  • All colors in themes are estimated, and some of the color combinations, especially brands and logos, are formally established separately.
  • Text colors of color codes in each boxes are set to Black and White.
  • If you have any requests or suggestion, feel free to contact us.
  • Switch the language >> Japanese.

Color Samples of Scenes